Gadara Farming
We use permaculture and mixed crop companion planting and we use natural knowledge of the land and low-tech farming techniques such as composting, lunar farming and water harvesting.Permaculture
There are 3 main tenants in permaculture
Care for the Earth
Care for People
Fair Share
Bill Mollison and David Holmgren’s original ideas which Sarah first encountered in the 1990’s in Devon, Uk, has 12 design principles which we follow:
1. Observe & Interact
2. Catch & Store Energy
3. Obtain a Yield
4. Apply Self-Regulation & Accept Feedback
5. Use & Value Renewable Resources & Services
6. Produce No Waste
7. Design From Patterns to Details
8. Integrate Rather Than Segregate
9. Use Small & Slow
10. Use & Value Diversity
11. Use Edges & Value The Marginal
12. Creatively Use & Respond To Change
Valuing These Principles
Gadara Farm has found a way to value all these principles and include the environment, the animals and the community. The design principles help us work with nature to provide everything we need. We use permaculture and mixed crop companion planting and we use natural knowledge of the land and low-tech farming techniques such as composting, lunar farming and water harvesting.
The orchard, vegetable and herb gardens are hand picked and produce is sold fresh or preserved at the farm by drying, bottling and making jams and pickles.
“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”
- Masanobu Fukuoka